
Hi! Welcome to Planet 9. This is the place to check out what Room 9 is learning about. Please leave us comments!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Going to School

We made this movie to show people what we do at school...

The Moon Rock

Guess what came to Room 9 for news today? A MOON ROCK! - A boy in our class went to the moon in the weekend and brought back a moon rock to show for news. Miss Cotman said you can sometimes find these rocks at Lake Taupo too. These rocks are called Pumice. We got a bucket of water and watched to see what happened when we put it in.Pumice is special because it doesn't sink like other rocks... it floats!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Our Words This Week

This week we are learning the words go and going. Today we made a movie about go and going. You can read the poem with us.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Jolly Phonics Fun Songs

These songs are different to the ones we learn in class that Sammy Snake wrote. But they are another fun way we can practise our phonics at school and at home.

I liked it when the balls bounced and bounced and bounced - WH

Bits fell off the rocket when the fuel had gone - KS

I loved the bit when the parachute opened - HD

The rocket has run out of fuel so they need a parachute - MI

I liked how the balloons stopped the robot from breaking - SP

When the rocket blasts off all the people have to stay away and the yellow bit puts the fuel in - JH

I liked it when the booster rockets fell off into the sea. Then a special boat is going to go and pick them up to use them for another rocket - CB

I liked it when the balls bounced on Mars - MO

Rockets only blast off if they have fuel in them - OS

I liked the parachute - CL

Friday, March 19, 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010